CST Explained

CST Explained

Feeling Stressed and Overwhelmed?
Craniosacral Therapy Can Help

Craniosacral therapy encourages your body's natural healing powers

Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle, deeply-focused, hands-on therapy that encourages your body's natural healing powers, supporting its innate ability to balance, restore and heal itself.  It helps reduce stress and build underlying energy. No massage, manipulation or "force" is involved. Only the lightest touch is needed to connect with the nervous system at a deep level.

Craniosacral therapy takes you from an external focus to an internal awareness

My focus is on tuning into your nervous system, enabling it to express and release deeply-held tensions that may be contributing to complex health issues.  These tensions may have originated early in your life, forming the basis for later vulnerabilities.  It is a fact of life that we will encounter stress, tension and pain, both physical and emotional.  Our bodies are usually able to regulate in the face of this stimulus but sometimes, when experiencing extreme or long-term stress, we can become overwhelmed and it becomes trapped within the nervous system.  It is only when your nervous system feels completely safe that it can begin to let go of the protective layers it has created, allowing the embedded trauma to gently be released.  

CST is often profoundly moving and exhilarating. Its effects can extend into everyday life and you may notice an increased sense of vitality as the energy that had been devoted to holding your body in a state of tension becomes available, allowing you to regain a more balanced and dynamic health.

Your appointment

During your first craniosacral appointment I will take a detailed history of your health and discuss the reasons for your visit. Please ask questions and raise any concerns you may have. All consultations are completely confidential. Sessions usually last one hour but your first appointment may take longer.

A treatment involves you lying down fully-clothed. I will make light contact on your head, base of spine and other areas, encouraging your body to relax and begin to make the changes it needs. I may focus on areas other than where the symptoms occur. You may experience deep relaxation (many people fall asleep) and an awareness of heat, tingling, pulsations or other sensations. However, at times it may seem that nothing is happening as the changes taking place are initiated at a deep, unconscious level.

Immediately after a session, as your body adjusts, you may become more aware of your symptoms; you may feel very tired and need to sleep. You may feel relief after only one or two sessions but for long-standing problems further, regular sessions are usually needed.
Book an appointment

Points to note before your treatment

Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Eat in advance of a session so that you are not feeling hungry.
Ensure you have nothing strenuous or stressful planned after a session.
Please switch off your phone during the session. 

Points to note after your treatment

Try to avoid alcohol and stressful activity and to drink plenty of water.

The effects of the treatment might last for a few days.

You may feel energised or tired or a little emotional.

You may notice old symptoms re-emerging, such as aches or pains.

 These effects are normal as the body eliminates toxins and reintegrates.

However, please contact me if you have any concerns.

Important: CST is intended to complement, not replace, conventional medicine. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, please consult a doctor.

Registered craniosacral therapists abide by standards and ethics set out by The Craniosacral Therapy Association of the UK and are entitled to use the letters RCST after their name.
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